Locomotive Roundhouse

West2 Building


  • 200/50 ton Whiting

Train Rail

Through door on west side of bay.

Truck Access

Drive through truck door adjacent to rail opening.

Other Features

  • Rail pit allowing work on underside of locomotives
  • T1 data connection

Office Space

Interior office space.

Space : 27200 ft Square Feet
Bay Width 80 ft
Cranes (1) 200/50
Roof Sloped corrugated metal roof.
Rail Yes
Dimensions: 340 x 80
Construction: Metal beam clad in corrugated metal. Non-insulated. Glass and fiberglass panels.
Utlities: Provided by Alabama Power, Aligasco and Etowah County Water Authority.
Parking: Nearby
Ceiling Height: 52 feet to bottom cord.
Floor: Poured concrete.